The "Mahdiyya" Qur'an: publications and links
Brockett A, Aspects of the physical transmission of the Qur`an in 19th-century Sudan: Script, binding, decoration and paper, in Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2, pp. 45-67, 1987. PDF.
Hiary, H and Ng, K, Segmentation approach for paper-based watermark extraction, IADAT Journal of Advanced Technology on Imaging and Graphics, 1(2), 62-65 2005.
Hiary, H and Ng, K, Optical imaging for watermark digitisation, segmentation, and vectorisation, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Image Processing, and Computer Vision (IADAT-micv2005), pp. 178-182, Madrid, Spain, 2005.
Hiary, H and Ng, K, Watermark: From paper texture to digital media in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution Conference (AXMEDIS 2005), pp. 261-264, Florence, Italy, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
Hiary, H and Ng, K, Automated Paper-based Watermark Extraction and Processing, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution Conference (AXMEDIS 2006), pp 291-298, Leeds, UK, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
Hiary, H and Ng, K, A System for Segmenting and Extracting Paper-based Watermark Designs, International Journal on Digital Libraries, Vol. 6(4), 351-361, 2007.
Ng, K and Hiary, H, Digital Acquisition and Extraction of Paper-based Watermark Designs with Image Processing, in Translated Studies of Arabic manuscripts papers - Selections, under supervision of A Regourd, Sana'a, Yemen, French Institute of Archaeology and Social Sciences, and German Institute of Archaeology, to appear (2007).
A. Regourd (ed.), Catalogue cumule des manuscrits de bibliotheques privees de Zabid, 1, La bibliotheque de 'Abd al-Rahman al-Hadrami, Sanaa, Centre Francais d'archeologie et de sciences sociales, Fonds social de developpement, fasc. 1, 2006.
A. Regourd, Les routes commerciales entre Zabid et l'Europe : les papiers filigranes de fonds manuscrits de Zabid (Yemen, fin 18e-milieu 20e s.), in Convego Storia e cultura dello Yemen in eta islamica con particolare riferimento al periodo rasulide, (Roma, 30-31 ottobre 2003), Roma, Bardi ed., 175-200, 2006
T. Walz, The paper trade of Egypt and the Sudan in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in Modernization in the Sudan. Essays in Honor of Richard Hill, ed. M. W. Daly, 29-48, New York, Lilian Barber Press, 1985.
Ng K and Hiary H, Paper-based Watermark Extraction with Image Processing, Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Research in Music, University of Leeds.
International standard for the registration of papers with or without watermarks, International Association of Paper Historians
Image processing for Project Berstein. The Bernstein Consortium produces a digital infrastructure for the expertise and history of paper based on images visualizing the paper's structure. The individual ressources are databases of watermarks and other anotated features, image measurement software, contextual resources for cartography and bibliography, and an integrated workspace. Additionally the Consortium organizes tutorials and an exhibition on paper studies. cuments
For more information: Prof. Roger Boyle.